Sunday, 8 December 2013

Power of Thunderbutt

So far you will only know me as an author for my Poos. Meet The Poo's and Peter Poo to the Rescue for those of you that didn't know of my work and were confused by my first statement! 

I am now working on a horror/comedy book for children called Power of Thunderbutt. I just felt the urge to tell you all about it in time for its release in 2014.

Please visit and like the page to keep updated on this and future work.

Here's the covers and blurb:
(all images are produced by me. Copyright (c) 2013)

First idea for cover artwork

Current idea for front cover

Current idea for rear cover

Imagine, if you will, a land inside your dreams, haunted by half human beings who exist only to trap you inside your own nightmare for eternity. Imagine also what you would be able to do with the Power of Thunderbutt should a wizard inside your dreams give it you. Using the force of the most powerful and potent flatulence known to man, you could rid your dreams of demons and live to dream another day! But what if your nightmare becomes a reality? Could the awake world handle almost nuclear farts where buildings shatter and people vomit at the stench?

Open these pages and read all about Daniel, who came to posses the Power of Thunderbutt through his own nightmare. Not only will you learn about the Punk Monkeys, Guffry the Wizard and how to defeat evil with carefully planned farts, but you will also discover the truth to a common misconception in the awake world. A myth that has plagued the minds of boys and men since the dawn of time. This story will offer 100% proof to the world that women DO fart!

If you are easily offended by flatulence, vomit, poo or reading about the effects on people that are allergic to poo particles, then this book is probably not for you... 

Open these pages and read all about Daniel, who came to posses the Power of Thunderbutt through his own nightmare. Not only will you learn about the Punk Monkeys, Guffry the Wizard and how to defeat evil with carefully planned farts, but you will also discover the truth to a common misconception in the awake world. A myth that has plagued the minds of boys and men since the dawn of time. This story will offer 100% proof to the world that women DO fart!
If you are easily offended by flatulence, vomit, poo or reading about the effects on people that are allergic to poo particles, then this book is probably not for you... 

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