Monday, 2 December 2013

Goodreads, bad error...

So I'm sat up checking the World Wide Web for little old me and my books, and I stumble across I'm quite excited to see one of my books has finally been listed - Meet The Poo's. I'm thrilled. I smile. I frown, my mouth drops open and I stop breathing... It's apparently been written by somebody else, not me!!! That's right. American author and radio personality Chris Fabry has somehow claimed my book! I'm sure it's an Internet Gremlin, but I've still sent quite a polite but potentially annoyed email to him. Of course, no matter how this turns out, I've pushed him a little to mention the book on his radio show - never miss an opportunity! 

We've now had quite a decent conversation, he seems like a nice chap. Of course, if this ends with me not getting air time, I'll hate him.

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