Tuesday, 3 December 2013

Don't forget the children!

I had a business meeting this morning in relation to my books. It went very well and I received a lot of praise for how much I'd done in a short space of time. My head didn't grow, but my list of things to do is now twice the size! One thing I was asked about was something I assumed was common knowledge, but apparently is not - because the person I met with is supposed to know everything about what I do and didn't know this! So it seems that I should mention it publicly again because I don't make a big enough deal of it...

Registered charity: 1097940/SC038092 | Company: 4764232

Some of the proceeds of sales of Meet The Poo's and Peter Poo to the Rescue are being donated to Action For Children, an amazing charity that has been supporting the most vulnerable and neglected children for over 140 years.

So with every book I sell it is hoped that several children will receive help. The child that reads the book and any children that benefit from money collected by Action For Children.

Please share this so that I can tell the person I met with this morning that the entire planet is aware!

PS Did I mention that some of the proceeds of sales of Meet The Poo's and Peter Poo to the Rescue are being donated to Action For Childrenan amazing charity that has been supporting the most vulnerable and neglected children for over 140 years...

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